The vision of FATHOM CHURCH is to be a diverse body of complete disciples who pursue intimacy with God, find identity in Christ, and impact the world through the power of the Holy Spirit.
What do we want?
Intimacy. Identity. Impact.
How do we get it?
With God. In God. Through God.

We are committed to teaching a reverent and awe-inspiring view of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who’s glory and abilities are limitless and unfathomable. This view will be foundational to every decision made by this church.
We are committed to teaching that God is the arbiter of all truth. Unlike human perception, which is often flawed, truth is objective, exclusive, and binary. We hold that the Bible is God’s authoritative truth: complete and without error.
We are committed to communicating the complete Gospel of God’s free grace, which is the most life altering message on earth. The good news of salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone. He pursues each individual as precious and in need of redemption.
We are committed to equipping God’s people to study, live, and share His word with conviction, confidence, and efficacy. We have an incredible burden and drive to see those who don’t yet know Jesus come to know Him by faith, then see them grow in Jesus as their lives, actions, minds – their everything – conform to His likeness.
We are committed to sacrificially serving the vulnerable, voiceless, and marginalized through our talents, resources, and spiritual gifts, as we passionately proclaim the gospel to our community and the world.
We are committed to praising the name of Jesus daily by recognizing who He is, who we are, and
reacting accordingly in all areas of our lives. We treasure our times of corporate praise and worship and we state emphatically that worship does not end there. All of life is meant to be worship.
We are committed to emphasizing the power of regular conversation with God – both privately and corporately. Everything we hope to accomplish will depend on the people seeking God’s will, blessing, and guidance perpetually in prayer.
We are committed to operating with the knowledge that everything belongs to God, and we are called to care for it judiciously and generously. We have a passion to leverage all that He has entrusted us with for His Glory, and to manage it with wisdom.
We are committed to becoming an ethnically, generationally, and socio-economically diverse church dedicated to warmly inviting everyone into God’s kingdom. It is God’s will and plan for the local
expressions of His global Church to show unity in diversity to this fragmented and broken world.
We are committed to executing every ministry endeavor to the fullest extent of our effort, ability, and resources; valuing the personnel who make those ministries possible. By the Spirit’s power, we are in pursuit of ministry perfection in our systems, programs, and services.